The Myth of Exodus and Genesis and the Exclusion of Their African Origins

The myth of genesis and exodus and its modern untrue historical perpetuations by the current self appointed custodians of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are examined and analyzed in this 74 paged document. The author sets the record straight by linking all three to their Afrikan pagan origins and with real individuals, making historical corrections where they are due.

For example there are comparisons, between what was allegedly said by King Solomon and what was actually written by Amenemope, and comparison between the biblical ten commandments with the actual written 147. There are dates along with mapping diagrams showing the approximate time of genesis and exodus and what would have occurred in truth.

In addition, by showing that all involved during the alleged mass movements and cultural war fares were of Afrikan tribal descent, the author shows that biblical events that occurred were mostly Afrikan continental history, and spiritual allegory. A very good reference source with a great bibliography. For more detail see African Origins of the Major Western Religions to get an in-depth outlook on this subject.

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