
The Lord Creator & His Five Manifestations

Ptah Atum RA Aten Amen

Creativity Illumination Energy Architect Invisible

Creative Illumines Justified Constructive Hidden

Lord to the uttermost limit

Lord of time and space,

The Ever lasting God of the Universe.

One who possesses all, the God Almighty

The invisible power which filled all space, Eternity and Infinity

Oh Re, come to me, oh guide

Thus said Ra, the Lord of All, Lord of the Utmost limits,

Neb-Er-Tchar spoke after he had come into Existence:

I am he who came into being in the form of the

Kheper Ra

I am He who comes into being and brings into being.

When I came into being, existence itself came into being.

All Existence came into being after I came into Existence.

Many were the beings that came forth

from the commands of my mouth.

I made the universe, and have created all that there in

I am the Creator of the world,

and it was I who fashioned it with my hands

before there was any beginning

What my heart conceived came to pass

and when I have spoken my word it came to pass,

and it shall endure forever.

All Manifestation came into being out of my Desire,

that aroused me to create the universe.

I am the creator of all which came into being,

I rose out of my own creation,

the celestial Primordial Ocean, My father, Nu,

which existed in a state of inertness and helplessness.

that is to say, I am the Father & the Mother of My own Existence.

I am the creator of everything which came into being:

Now the things which I created,

and which came forth out of my divine Utterance

were exceedingly many.

Heaven had not come into being,

Earth did not exist, nor the children of the earth,

and all the creeping things, had not been created yet.

I myself raised them up from out of Nu

the primeval Cosmic Ocean, from a state of helpless inertness.

I found no place where on I could stand

in the vast empty space which I created

Heka is My Name, I am my own Will,

I uttered the name of the thing, on which to stand,

and all things, and places, came into being.

I laid the foundation of all things

by Thoth my Heart and Maat, my Order

I live with my daughter Maat,

'one within me, the other around me'.

I created everything which had form.

Laying the foundations to all in my heart and Desire.

It was I who came into being in my manner

of being, taking on existence as what exists.

Thus I came into existence in the Primal Time.

After that beginning a host of ways

of being came into existence,

for before then there was no mode

of existence whatsoever in this world.

All that I did I accomplished alone,

before any other being came into existence

to create alongside me in these places.

There I created the modes of being

with the energy in me.

There I created in Nu

Nu,( the cosmos) while still drowsy,

while I had yet to find any ground

on which to stand upright.

But then my heart was filled with energy,

the design of creation appeared before me,

and I accomplished everything I wanted to do, being alone.

Conceiving designs in my heart,

I created a different mode of existence

and multitudinous ways of being were born of the Existent.

I was one by myself,

for I had not emitted from myself the Shu ( Air, Space)

I had not spat out from myself Tefnut; (Moisture, Water)

there existed none, who could create my will.

I laid the foundations of things in my own heart of Divine Conciseness,

and there came into being the multitudes of my creation,

which came into being from my creation

which were born from my created Souls

which arose from what they brought forth.

I embraced my Shadowy Hand as a wife,

I Copulated and had union with my hand,

and I poured seed into my own mouth,

and I sent forth from my seed energies

and begot the form of my energies

I sneezed out Shu (Light & Air) and Spat out Tefnut (Moisture).

Tefnut (Moister & Water) is my living daughter

she shall be together with her brother Shu ( Air, Gas, Space);

his name is Life and her name is Maat (Balance, Truth, Justice and Order).

My father Nu Said:

My Eye was covered up behind Shu and Tefnut,

but after two hen periods had passed

from the time when they departed from me,

from being one, I became three gods, (the Power of Trinity)

and I came into being in Matter.

Then Shu and Tefnut rejoiced from out of the inert watery mass

Where in they and I were,

and they brought to me my Eye (my Vision).

Now after these things I gathered together my members,

and I wept over them, and men and women sprang into being

from the tears which came forth from my Eye.

And when my Eye (my Vision) came to me,

and found that I had made another Eye in place where it was ,

It was wroth with, raged at me,

whereupon I endowed it

(i.e., the (second Vision ) with the splendor which I had made for the first Eye (first Vision),

and I made it to occupy its place in my Face,

and henceforth it ruled throughout all this earth.

When there fell on them their moment through plant-like clouds,

I restored what had been taken away from them,

and I appeared from out of the plant-like clouds.

I created creeping things of every kind,

and everything which came into being from them.

Shu and Tefnut brought forth Seb and Nut;

and Seb and Nut brought forth Osiris, and Heru-khent-an-maati,

and Set, and Isis, and Nephthys at one birth, one after the other,

and they produced their multitudinous offspring in this earth.

I am Ptah, I am not created, but simply Am.

I am who have created existence

by means of my heart and my tongue

by speaking the names of all things,

I Ptah caused them to be.

There came into being as the heart

and there came into being as the tongue

in the form of Atum.

I am The mighty Great One Ptah,

who transmitted life to all Netjeru,

as well as to their kas...

Thus it happened that the heart and tongue

gained control over every other member of the body,

by teaching that I am in every body

and in every mouth of all gods, all humans,

all cattle, all creeping things,

and every thing that lives,

by thinking and commanding everything that I wish

Thus all the gods were formed

and My Ennead was completed.

Indeed, all the divine order really came into being

through what the heart thought

and the tongue commanded.

Thus the ka-spirits were made...

by this speech... Thus were made all work and all crafts,

the action of the arms, the movement of the legs,

and the activity of every member,

in conformance with this command which the heart thought,

which came forth through the tongue,

and which gives value to everything.

from my Utterance of my Name, Word and will.

I am the Heka that existed before duality had yet come into being.

I am Atum who gives sweet air which you breath
for I am this egg which is in the Great Cackler,
I am the guardian of this great prop

which separates the earth from the sky.
If I live, it will live;

if I grow old, it will grow old;
if I breathe the air, it will breathe the air.
I am he who splits iron,

I have gone round about the egg,
I am even the Lord of Tomorrow.

I am who have created Maat, the divine order

I am master of destiny

I died and rose again, I am resurrection,

and the way into a another future life.

I am Ta-Tenen as the primeval mound

I am the breath of life

which emerged from the throat of the Benu bird,

I am Re in whom Atum appeared in the primeval

Naught, infinity, darkness and nowhere."

I am Atum! When I came into being

I rose up as a High Promodial Hill,
I shone as the Benben Stone in the Temple of the Phoenix."

"I am Atum-Kheper Ra, I became high on the height,

I rose up as a benben in the Mansion of the Benu."

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